Friday 25th May 2018 marked the passing of a new European law to do with personal data. Everything from how it is stored, utilised and shared now should be as transparent and unobscured as the lenses on a pair of non-prescription specs!
Small businesses (such as your local Chelsea and Fulham Dentist) have been ploughing through documents. I have now printed enough flowcharts to build an accurate replica of the practice out of paper.
Amongst this madness, the patients have been a welcomed distraction. Just when you feel like the odds are stacked against independent, family run businesses in the corporate jungle that is our capital, along comes hope in the shape of a young lady preparing for her 21st birthday.
Said patient came to Chelsea and Fulham Dentist wanting to whiten her teeth in time for her birthday celebrations, so she could wear bright lipstick and feel amazing! I knew exactly what she meant and was only to happy to talk her through her options.
When it came to paying for the fees, she explained how her nan had given her money for her birthday, and she had chosen to use it at our practice, to get treatment she had been planning for some time.
In a world of constant consumerism, with about a billion other alternatives for her to spend her money on, this young lady spent it on (a) improving her smile – and thus demonstrating that the younger generations do care about their oral health, and (b) she specifically chose our practice out of the dozen or so near by.
Best. Feeling. Ever.
As dentists, we are keen to showcase what we can do for you and your smile. What is more difficult to explain and depict on websites and social media platforms is how blessed we are to treat our clients. I was left feeling like a flamingo amongst a flock of Fulham pigeons, and strutted home in exactly that manner!
If you want to feel better about your smile, and in the process make a humble dentist happy, please come visit us. Call our reception team on 02030801000, or book online here.