Are you worried about an upcoming dental check-up?
Rather than delay a much needed dental check-up, why not book yourself in to see our dentist Fulham? We are dental phobia certified and are equipped and patient enough to help people with all severity of dental phobia get the smile that they deserve.
Here, we discuss ways that our dentist Fulham can help our nervous patients cope with dental treatment.
If you are nervous about seeing our dentist Fulham, then please let us know at the first opportunity.
That way, our receptionists can advise our dental team on how best to treat you; we may invite you in for a pre-clinical assessment, or we may be able to invite you in for an early morning assessment to help ease your nerves and delay waiting.
The Wand
OK, so we know that many people who have concerns about dentistry are less than enthused when it comes to having a numbing injection applied.
This may be caused by the sight of the needle or an experience in the past when the needle was applied to the gum and caused discomfort. Luckily, we have a solution in the form of the Wand; a pen-shaped device that allows us to numb the tooth we are going to work on without any long needles or cold injections.
We simply press the Wand to the area that we want to numb and voila! The area is numbed, you remain calm and we can begin working on your tooth or teeth. Great!
Distraction techniques
If you are like many dental patients who have an aversion to the dental chair, you may become nervous at the sound of the drill.
And while we have aimed to make our dental drills as quiet as possible, we are aware that they may still be a bit noisy for some patients to manage. Therefore, our team is more than happy to offer you a distraction in the form of either TV or music via a headset. If you wish to bring along your own headset, please let us know beforehand, so we can discuss the easiest ways to get your attention if you are intending to listen to it with your eyes closed.
Why not use this time to listen to an audiobook or a guided meditation to help you relax?
And finally, if you feel you need something a bit more substantial to help you manage your anxiety or phobia while in the dental chair, our team at Chelsea and Fulham can offer you sedation.
Typically, we will offer intravenous (IV) sedation, which is administered into your arm using a needle and will keep you in a twilight state while our team works on your teeth. While you will have no memory of what occurs during this process, you will be able to respond to our dental team’s instructions, such as opening your mouth wider etc.
If you are having IV sedation, then we must insist that you bring along a friend or family member to escort you home afterwards. You must refrain from operating heavy machinery for at least 24 hours and should also not make any significant financial decisions during this time either.