You must be living under a rock…. in outer space… if you haven’t seen or heard about the 10 Years Challenge currently trending. I’ve noticed, with time (and filters), people actually look better. It makes me happy to see lots of straighter teeth and relaxed smiles a decade on.
But who needs 10 years, when you can look better in 6 months! With most brace systems (including Invisalign) by 6 months, most of the dramatic tooth movement has taken place and you should visibly see straighter teeth! How amazing might that be!
Don’t have 6 months? Had a rough decade? You could always visit our facial aesthetics wizard, Dr Day, for a complimentary consultation. She has helped countless clients look younger and more well-rested. Who doesn’t need that after 10 years? Results can be immediate depending on which treatment you opt for.
On a more serious note, I’m sure the #10YearChallenge started life as an innocent meme (or a clever ploy to start a facial aging recognition algorithm to help take over the world). However, it is also a stark reminder of how quickly life can pass us.
10 years ago, I was off travelling the world, collecting international stamps in my passport and wearing drop crotch pants. A decade on, even though I have become a wife, mother and practice owner, I still bang on about my travelling days as though they were yesterday, because that’s genuinely how quick a decade can feel.
It makes it all the more important to try and cram in as much life into your life. Don’t procrastinate precious moments away. Strive to be the best and most confident version of yourself because, before you know it, another decade would have past. If that, for you, includes having straighter teeth – then go for it!
There are, of course, some things that we may wish for ourselves that are just unrealistic. I am never going to achieve that ‘natural blonde’ look, be 5ft11” or a size 6 National Lottery Winner. There are other obstacles that may require patience, like growing a family business in London for example.
But there are so many other things that we can change that could have an amazing positive impact on how we see ourselves in 1, 2 or even 10 years time. We can make healthier lifestyle choices, be environmentally aware, look after our mental wellbeing and just be generally better humans.
I know what you all must be thinking by now, ‘what happened to the drop crotch pants Dahlia?’ Yes, I have burnt them because some things are just as wrong now as they were 10 years ago.
If your personal challenge is to create a more confident smile for yourself, or optimise your oral health, then call us on 02030801000. You can email me or book directly online here. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for a lighter side to dentistry!