
Many people in the United Kingdom are looking for ways to reduce the appearance of deep-set wrinkles and fine lines on their faces.

While you could spend a small fortune on facial creams and moisturisers, it is becoming public knowledge that one of the best ways to prevent and reverse the appearance of this sign of ageing is to have a non-surgical injectable treatment. And with more than 7 million treatments performed across the UK last year, it seems that the injection of botulinum toxin is one of the most popular options for most people.

When you come to see our team at the Chelsea and Fulham Dentist, you may be surprised to learn that we can offer botulinum toxin injections, also known as Botox in Fulham. Our team is well-trained to offer these injections into precise areas of the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, which will help you keep a youthful glow for much longer, and there is also no downtime. Great stuff!

But if you are new to the world of Botox in Fulham, it is highly likely you will have some questions about the procedure, and in this article, our team answers the most common queries that we receive about it.

How does the procedure get rid of wrinkles?

In short, Botox in Fulham does not get rid of wrinkles. Instead, it is injected into the surrounding tissue and paralyses the nerves in that area temporarily. This means you will be less able to move parts of your face, and the wrinkles and fine lines will reduce due to a lack of contraction on either side of them. But don’t worry! We will ensure that any injections of this kind will offer a natural look once applied, and you will not end up with a frozen face.

What areas of the face can be treated with botulinum injections?

This treatment can be used to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the forehead, the eye area, and the lips. They can even be injected to soften the dimpling of the chin. If desired, you can also have these injections performed on your hands, as these are other areas that may show signs of ageing. Currently, we do not offer the latter treatment to our patients.

Do the injections hurt?

The treatment itself is quick; therefore, there should be minimal discomfort. It requires no anaesthesia, and for many people, the procedure is not considered uncomfortable. For others, it has been compared to a slight bee sting, so if you have concerns about potential soreness or discomfort, our team will be happy to provide you with an analgesic numbing cream in the areas where the injections are going to be performed.

How soon do the results appear?

This will depend on many factors, such as your age, the number of injections and where they were performed. Most people will see the effects within 3 to 5 days, whereas for others, it can take up to 2 weeks.

Can you be too old to have these injections?

If you start these injections later in life, you will need more of them to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, but you have these injections at any age, provided that your general health is good.