
How you look affects how you feel and for that reason you wear a certain style of clothing, wear makeup or prefer a certain hairstyle. We are affected by how we look mentally and when we look good we feel good. Your skin and features will change over time, but the effects of the sun, smoking and ageing can be successfully treated to slow down these effects. As part of their training dentists gain a thorough knowledge of anatomy, especially the head and neck areas. At Chelsea & Fulham Dentist we are fortunate to have as one of our team a clinician who is world renowned in the field of facial rejuvenation Chelsea. Celebrities, models and dignitaries from near and far visit her for their treatment because of her expertise and knowledge. Not only does she deliver treatment, but she also teaches at an illustrious training institute.

A thorough examination

As dentists we are disciplined and always conduct a thorough examination of a patient to assess their condition and to gain an understanding of their expectations. We want you to fully understand your treatment so that you can make a properly informed decision, to proceed or not. This applies to all patients whether at our dental surgery for dental or facial rejuvenation Chelsea treatment. Developing a professional relationship allows for candid discussion from both patient and practitioner to provide the best treatment for that particular patient. The non-surgical treatments that we offer will smooth out wrinkles in a number of areas and bring back a fullness to your lips. Our facial rejuvenation Chelsea procedures employ the latest and safest equipment and materials delivered by our expertly trained and experienced clinician.

Not everyone is suitable for treatment

There are certain conditions which are unsuitable for this kind of treatment. We will not treat an area which has a localised skin infection or muscle weakness disorders. Women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding cannot be treated until after their baby has been delivered and they have stopped breastfeeding. If you are using any anticoagulant or you suffer from a bruising or bleeding condition. This treatment cannot be used side-by-side with antibiotics or if you have a history of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the solution that we use.

How is treatment administered?

To reduce wrinkles we inject a purified protein solution into the selected muscle, using extremely thin needles to reduce discomfort. The injected solution works by obstructing the signals from your nerves to your muscles. Those areas which are most commonly treated are the forehead, neck lines and around the eyes. The upper lip is another area which can benefit from this procedure resulting in a fuller appearance. Dermal fillers are another method employed to produce fewer wrinkles and fuller lips.

Duration of treatment and longevity of results

The treatment duration depends on the number of areas being treated and can take anywhere from thirty minutes to one hour. The effects of the treatment should last from three to six months and or even longer over time after repeated treatments.