
Traversing the cosmetic, dental and orthodontic landscapes, Invisalign in Chelsea continues to make its mark and capture the imagination of patients. Invisalign in Chelsea utilises new technologies focused on moving teeth without the usual discomfort and lifestyle challenges that were once experienced with orthodontic treatment.

At Chelsea and Fulham Dentist, we take pride in offering patients practical dental solutions that deliver results whilst also minimising the challenges normally experienced by patients on alternative treatment plans.

When it comes to improving the appearance and function of teeth, very few orthodontic devices can match the brilliance of Invisalign in Chelsea in straightening teeth efficiently and effectively.

We dedicate this post to the remarkable benefits of Invisalign that have seen a spike in demand for this modern orthodontic device.

Why say yes to Invisalign?

Say yes to a modern design that takes straightening teeth to the next level. The design of Invisalign incorporates a distinct difference from what is expected from traditional orthodontic tools. The manufacturers have done away with the metal components that remain affixed to teeth.

Instead, they have relied on a single tray-based aligner for each dental arch receiving treatment. The design of these aligner trays is astoundingly simple. They are made from clear medical-grade plastic, infused with advanced intuitive technologies.

These smart orthodontic technologies allow for the aligner trays to gently reposition teeth in incremental movements that do not need manual adjustments like in the traditional teeth straightening process.

Being plastic-based, the Invisalign trays are flexible enough to provide comfort when worn and can be easily removed by the patient when teeth are cleaned or during meal times. This removability feature does away with challenges such as being restricted to a limited diet and the laboriousness of brushing and flossing teeth.

It must be said that while these benefits do make using Invisalign a go-to option, there are a few guidelines patients need to follow.

Patients are only allowed to remove their aligners for a limited time during the day. For the average patient, this remains at a total of two hours out of a 24-hour period. This may mean patients will have to rethink their meal and snack times.

Also, patients will have to follow the tray change interval schedule, which is typically every one to two weeks, to ensure their teeth straightening process is on track, according to the predetermined schedule.

It goes without saying that failure to wear the aligner trays for the stipulated time each day or failing to follow the interval change schedule may disrupt the patient’s treatment plan as well as the expected results.

There can be no denying that orthodontic treatment plans bring about an improvement in dental aesthetics, but it is also the protection of dental health and function that should be celebrated too. Straighter teeth make oral hygiene routines easier, quicker and more effective.

To find out more about Invisalign or take the next step towards a more aligned smile, get in touch with us at Chelsea and Fulham Dentist. Our friendly reception desk will gladly assist in finding a suitable date and time for a professional consultation.