
When you finish brushing your teeth and look in the mirror, are you happy with the look of your smile? If you are, then that is fantastic, and we recommend that you visit our dentist Chelsea at least once every six months to maintain good oral health and prevent any dental issues.

Unfortunately here in the UK, a significant percentage of the population is unhappy with the look of their smiles. There are many factors that can affect the aesthetics of your teeth, and despite a good brushing technique and regular flossing, an unattractive smile may affect your self-confidence and stop you from smiling often. If you have healthy teeth and gums but would like to improve the look of your smile, then speak to our dentist Chelsea to find out about cosmetic dentistry for healthy teeth.

Here at Chelsea and Fulham Dentist, there is a wide array of dental treatments that you can pick and mix with the advice of our dentist Chelsea to help transform your smile.

Teeth straightening

Most people suffer from a certain extent of crooked teeth, which affects the way they feel about their smiles. Thanks to the advances in dental technology, there are many different options for straightening your teeth, depending on your dental requirements and personal preferences. If you are embarrassed about getting braces as an adult, then there are many different types of invisible braces that are now available, or you could opt for aligners that can be taken out of your mouth and placed back in as necessary. So, depending on what you prefer, speak to our dentist Chelsea and find out about the different treatment options available for you.

To begin with, depending on the alignment of your teeth, straightening your teeth may be as quick as 3 to 6 months. Where extensive treatment is required, this may take up to 2 years. By straightening your teeth, you will improve not only the appearance of your smile but also your dental health, so speak to our friendly dental team today to find out more.

Once you are happy that you have a beautifully aligned smile, you may wish to improve it even further by considering teeth whitening treatments with our dental team.

Teeth whitening

Yellow teeth can affect all of us to a certain extent, and although it is mainly due to poor oral hygiene it can also be a result of many different environmental factors including food and drink, lifestyle choices and even underlying health conditions and certain medication. Here at Chelsea & Fulham Dentist, we are happy to offer you home whitening kits or whitening procedures with our dentist. Depending on your dental requirements and personal preferences, you may wish to carry out gradual whitening in the comfort of your own home. On the other hand, if you are looking for a quick fix and a more dramatic transformation, then speak to our dental team about teeth whitening at our dental clinic and book an appointment for yourself today.