#Blessed be Google. So many of our patients find our dental practice, though tucked away in Parsons Green, through this ingenious search engine. Most of those go on to read our 5 star Google reviews and patient testimonials to get an idea of what we are all about and book their consultations, again, guided by the arm of Google.
That’s why I love Google…… but I didn’t know till recently that Google also loves me back – well it loves Chelsea and Fulham Dentist anyway!
Whilst out with a good friend, having a typical dental practice owner rant about something or another (probably Instagram dentist celebrities and why I will never be one), to make a point, she typed in “BEST DENTAL PRACTICE FOR INVISALIGN IN LONDON’ onto her iPhone X. Unbelievably, there we were, Chelsea and Fulham Dentist at #3 (of the unsponsored links at least). Page 1 of her search, from her phone, at that particular moment in time.
I didn’t dare jinx the moment, but was dying to see what would happen if she typed in any other search criteria, like “best dental practice, London’, or perhaps ‘best looking couple in dentistry’ ahem, ahem. Honestly, I cannot begin to explain how proud (and very, very shocked) I was!
What makes this status more amazing is that we don’t currently do sponsored ads and we personally hand write each gem of a blog. That means that this achievement has been organic, and our elevation to one of the ‘best dental practices for Invisalign in London’ has been mostly achieved through word of mouth and Google reviews from patients.
Feeling #blessed myself with all this new-found superiority, I thought I would take the opportunity to be #thankful. Firstly, thanks to our raving patient fans at Chelsea and Fulham Dentist. You really are the reason we are still here amongst a high street that is slowly suffering.
Thanks to our amazing family. You have listened to each repeated rant as if it were the first and wiped each tear, willing it to be the last. You are legends.
Finally, thanks to our wonderful team at the practice. We have become an entity to be proud of. You have become family – though we try not to cry in front of you so the above does not apply!
Now, a disclaimer, my friend and I did try to repeat the search, and sadly, we kept dropping from that page 1 status – Google you fickle, beautiful creature you – but we were there for the briefest of moments. Google #blessed us!
Want to see what all the fuss is about? Call 02030801000, email mail@cfdentist.co.uk DM us on Instagram and Facebook, or simply book online here.